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Update: Friday Afternoon Golf

"THAT'LL BE $20....
  Posted on behalf of the Golf Shop staff.

Las Colinas golf shop's Friday afternoon golf game has been a great success. Thank you to all the players, low and higher handicaps, who have come out to participate in the game.

During the winter months, we will be continuing the golf game (weather permitting) and the formats will vary. This Friday the weather forecast shows a high temperature of 69 degrees. Yes, there will be a Friday afternoon golf game with a 12:45pm SHOTGUN. Please be on the putting green no later than 12:30pm to establish the teams.

The format this week will be 4 man teams, 2 best ball net MONEY BALL (80% handicaps). Money ball? Money Ball (aka Lone Ranger, Yellow Ball) is a game for 4-person teams that puts the onus on one player per hole to come through for t! he team.

In this game, two scores per hole are added together for the team score. Here's the catch: One of those two scores must be from the player with the money ball. So on each hole, the team score will be the score of the player with the money ball, plus the lowest score of the other three players on the team. The team will be responsible for determining the order of the money ball players. For example, Player A uses it on the first hole, B on the second, C on the third, D on the fourth, then back to A on the fifth and so on.

The game is open to all skill levels (LOW, MID AND HIGH) and there will be a $20 cash entry fee that goes toward the game. The breakdown of the money will be as follows: $5 for 1st 6 holes, $5 for 2nd 6 holes and $5 for 3rd 6 holes and $5 for skins. If you wish to play, please call the golf shop or email Eric at

We hope you will join us this Friday afternoon for some competitive and a fun round of golf.

LCCC Golf Professional Staff


Mi-Tee Cup Preview

The 2010 Mi-Tee Cup Challenge is set for next weekend, with the festivities kicking off on Friday night at 6:30 PM with the Team Draft Party.

For complete details on the 2010 Mi-Tee Cup, including the tournament format and rules, please click here.


Tomillo Returns!

IRVING, TX (UPI) - The sense of anticipation was almost unbearable yesterday, as crowds of people lined up on O'Connor Boulevard to gain a glimpse of the motorcade speeding toward the gates of Las Colinas Country Club.  It only took moments to confirm what many had been predicting for months - Tomillo Villegas had returned.

Upon alighting from his luxury sedan, he politely declined an autograph request from Ron Woolard, and a second request from Eric Hunt to wash his car.  However, before entering the clubhouse (off limits to the media), Tomillo consented to a brief interview with Kristi Martin, the newest roving reporter for The Hosel Rocket.

"Tomillo, it's said that your proficiency with the putter is comparable to a drunken man trying to do a crossword puzzle at night on the deck of a lurching ship. Why then did you choose to abandon LCCC during the last few months when the club's greens were recovering from the effects of the summer heat?  Wouldn't a temporary green or two actually have helped your game?", probed Martin.

"Well, Kristi, it's like this. I've spent my entire life working on this putting stroke, and didn't feel that the condition of the greens were conducive to keeping me in the 46-48 putts/round range that I pride myself on.  I figured when the grass came back to life, I'd come back to Las Colinas.  Kind of like those salmon that go back to Capistrano.  No one knows why they come back - they just do!"

In a related story, Joel Edwards reports that he will have no open lesson times until April of 2011.


Change We Can Believe In? Fuggedaboutit!

This week's 2010 mid-term elections saw the Democrats lose the House of Representatives (cheer up, Dray!), hold the Senate, and return a number of governor's mansions to Republican control.  Looking ahead, there's no question that a change of draperies is in store for the Oval Office two years hence.

While the landscape for 2012 presidential candidates still appears quite muddled, a grass roots campaign is underway in New Jersey to bring a new brand of leadership to The White House, as the attached paid political advertisement depicts.  Remember, when the time comes, vote early and often!