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R.I.P. Winter 2011-2012

With a recent run of glorious weather, and our fairways and trees turning a brighter shade of green with each passing weekend, it's apparent that Old Man Winter has left town, leaving his older brother, Bob Dray, to fend for himself for another year.

"How to find dis place, Cool River?
I hear day have Beaver dere."
As such, Commission Carter has decreed that Winter Rules are hereby suspended effective this weekend, along with the grip-length of relief that we've enjoyed through soggy conditions over the last several months. However, as we prepare to go back to playing the ball as it lies, not everyone is pleased with the arrival of spring at LCCC.

"I'm packing up zee traps in tree days and heading home", announced Pierre "Pepe" LePelt, the nomadic French Canadian fur trader, part-time golfer and seasonal resident of the grounds of Las Colinas Country Club. 

"Too many golfers on course now - scare away all zee animals," lamented a forlorn LePelt.  Muskrats? All hidink. Woodchuck? Same ting. And zee beaver? Oo la la, Francois love zee beaver, even da ones wit four legs. But day all gone, too."

When asked if the indigenous bird, fish, and vermin population would be enough to sustain his trapping and fur trading business until next winter, LePelt was unequivocal. "Normally, oui. But one a dem golfers iss out dere keeling all da birts, feeshes, and rodints with da golf ball. Merde! I don't who dees sheethead iss, but if Pierre catch im, he wring hiss scrawny neck!"

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